Heaven Swing - zijden boeket
Heaven Swing - zijden boeket
It is a bouquet with purple and blue colors. The bouquet consists of 11 stems including hibiscus, delphinium, nerine, dahlia, poppy, campanula, lily, orchid, thistle, allium and leaf branch.
A beautiful bouquet that suits any interior! This bouquet is characterized by the beautiful blue colored flowers. These beautiful colors give this bouquet a colorful look. This means you can enjoy a colorful flower arrangement in your interior all year round. Combine the bouquet with one of our other vases from the collection. Do you have your own vase? Please contact us.
It is also possible to make a custom bouquet from a large selection of artificial flowers and leaf branches.
Vaas: Ø25 x H35 cm
Height: 90 cm incl. vasePrices
Bouquet Only: from €160.00 for €120.00
Bouquet with vase: from €209.95 for €169.95
If desired, advice at home is also possible.
Please note: if a flower is no longer in stock, we will look for a suitable alternative that fully matches the style.